Anonymous ID: 4b971e Oct. 13, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3463579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3624

The Committee to Save the World Order

America’s Allies Must Step Up as America Steps Down

By Ivo H. Daalder and James M. Lindsay


The order that has structured international politics since the end of World War II is fracturing. Many of the culprits are obvious. Revisionist powers, such as China and Russia, want to reshape global rules to their own advantage. Emerging powers, such as Brazil and India, embrace the perks of great-power status but shun the responsibilities that come with it. Rejectionist powers, such as Iran and North Korea, defy rules set by others. Meanwhile, international institutions, such as the UN, struggle to address problems that multiply faster than they can be resolved.


The newest culprit, however, is a surprise: the United States, the very country that championed the order’s creation. Seventy years after U.S. President Harry Truman sketched the blueprint for a rules-based international order to prevent the dog-eat-dog geopolitical competition that triggered World War II, U.S. President Donald Trump has upended it. He has raised doubts about Washington’s security commitments to its allies, challenged the fundamentals of the global trading regime, abandoned the promotion of freedom and democracy as defining features of U.S. foreign policy, and abdicated global leadership.

Anonymous ID: 4b971e Oct. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3463624   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Globalist CFR: G9 Committee Must Save “World Order” From Trump


President Donald Trump, they say, seeks to “upend” their “liberal world order.” And so, the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations, a key Deep State institution behind the “world order” agenda, is calling for the creation of a new “Group of 9” (G9) committee to save the “rules-based world order” from Trump. Basically, the proposed coalition of nine powerful governments, which would include many of America's close allies and even the emerging European Union super-state, would hold down the “global governance” fort until a pliable globalist can be placed back in the White House. The two authors of the proposed scheme, CFR members Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay, along with their comrades, have played lead roles in some of America's greatest foreign policy blunders of recent decades. And yet, using dishonesty and deception, they make the case for preserving and even expanding this CFR-backed “World Order” that Americans and humanity increasingly oppose. If Trump plays his cards right, however, he can foil their globalist plot and save constitutional government.


Calling their scheme a “Committee to Save the World Order,” the dynamic globalist duo argued in CFR mouthpiece Foreign Affairs that Trump was working to “upend” their precious “world order.” “He has raised doubts about Washington’s security commitments to its allies, challenged the fundamentals of the global trading regime, abandoned the promotion of freedom and democracy as defining features of U.S. foreign policy, and abdicated global leadership,” the two claimed, assuming readers would agree with U.S. government policing of the world and submission to a globalist “trading regime” that undermines American independence, prosperity, and self-government. They lament that, contrary to the hopes of some — Obama even left a note in the Oval Office urging his successor “to sustain the international order” — Trump did not abandon his campaign promises and embrace a more “traditional” (read: globalist, militarist, and hyper-interventionist) so-called foreign policy.


Basically, the globalist screed complains that Trump refused to bow to CFR demands and defy the will of the American people. Instead, they whine, Trump went on to withdraw from the CFR-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pseudo-“free trade” regime that would have surrendered U.S. sovereignty to what then-Senator Jeff Sessions described as a European Union-style “Pacific Union” — a union in which America's vote would be equal to the votes of communist and Islamic dictators.

Anonymous ID: 4b971e Oct. 13, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3463773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4055

The FED Sabbotaging Trump.


Trump and the Fed: The Real Issue Is the Power of the Federal Reserve


With the stock market’s huge losses in the past week — the largest decline since February — some economists blamed President Trump’s trade conflict with China. Trump, however, pointed to the Federal Reserve System’s recent decisions to raise interest rates as the more likely culprit.


“That wasn’t it,” Trump said this week in response to the China theory for the market drop. “The problem I have is with the Fed. The Fed is going wild. They’re raising interest rates and it’s ridiculous.” Trump added, “The Fed is going loco.”


Trump said again in another interview, “I think the Fed is uh … making a mistake. They're so tight. I think the Fed has gone crazy.”


What precipitated Trump’s remarks was that the Federal Reserve — America’s central bank — has increased interest rates three times just this year. Of course, when interest rates go up, the cost of borrowing money goes up for both businesses and consumers, making more expensive purchases less likely, thus slowing down the economy, which has otherwise been booming during Trump’s presidency.

Anonymous ID: 4b971e Oct. 13, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3464246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4286


In 1999 dollars, 4 trillion worth of gold in World Trade center alone.


Gold price at 20-year low

May 19, 1999

Fears of further central bank sales send bullion below $273 an ounce in London