Black Rabbit27 November 2009 at 22:36
Why was the above covered up?
To protect certain extremely powerful and wealthy families living along the NORTHERN COAST OF AFRICA.
Who were these families - where did they come from?
I can remember remote-viewing the ROMAN RUINS along that coast-line…it seemed an impossible job at first…but OBAMA told me to stick with it.
ANCIENT ROMAN families…governors…the ROMAN MILITARY had lived there…and I had to find out the surnames of their DESCENDENTS - where they were now living…
What was going on?
In a nutshell - here is a very quick resume of what had happened:
The 'christ child' rite was a ROMAN PAGAN one.
Remember that oil painting in JERUSALEM…the one where MARY MAGDALENE presents her 'red egg' to the ROMAN EMPEROROR. No sane woman would present her foetus to be eaten - at a Roman court…it was an allegory of what the ROMANS were doing to SEMITIC WOMEN…because they thought that it made them more 'knowledgeable'.
The TASCHMANS had been researching their ILL CULT history and had pinned it upon ROMAN PAGAN RITES…and they had pretty much agreed with the above…these were their historical roots…the roots of the ILL CULT.
CATHOLICISM however, was a REACTION to the ILL CULT…it was diametrically opposed to everything that these people stood for - the early CATHOLICS hated ABORTION - they took a massive stance upon it…and so these powerful, wealthy families had to leave…they were military figures in the main…where did they go…they went to NORTH AFRICA.
Remember the EAGLE of the ROMAN EMPIRE…the EAGLE of the NAZIS…
These families were powerful remote-viewers…they had seen the rise of CATHOLICISM…knew what had happened to the JESUITS…and then began to manipulate the world…hence the GOLEM SHTETLS…later on in history, they tried to make the CARIBBEAN into a 'golem shtetl' but the slaves there, fought bak and claimed their independence…unlike the JOOS of the shtetls…particularly the GERMAN JOOS…
That is why it was so easy for these families to control SUPER GOLEMS like the ROYAL FAMILY…
These people are so easily controlled by telepathy…I had finally traced who was controlling the ILL CULT…
However, the SUPER GOLEMS then went out of control…and the whole horror turned into a version of BLADERUNNER…