indeed WE, the PEOPLE, are the STONE (force).
God damn these pussy fake ass bitch made (((shill niggers))) like booker and lemon are outing themselves from the closets.
Say bye bye to fake faggotry, welcome those who display REAL courage.
Funny how the success of getting the pastor out of turkey coincided with this assassination.
VERY obvious black hat operation, khashoggi wa employed by the see ay a, spook 101 textbook.
Now, it's obvious we have jihadi scum in the middle east not happy about syria winding down, assad winning, etc.
cabal not happy their fuse is getting cut. strings cut.
could this have been a mossad operation to kill their loose end (potential witness), and use that to derail cooperation between nations?
DJT would be 'forced' (read: counter move) to speak publicly against saudis for this, but public perception is key.
they still got the public on their side (bainwashing, easy to manipulate especially in the middle east).
good probability one of theirs was about to be flipped and they silenced the opposition.
roths are acting in accordance with their knowledge to destabilize what is essential: stable economy.
they will try to crash the market and blame DJT and Patriots, forcing them on the defensive and publicly denounce each other (using th khashoggi incident for instance) while USING the public against them.
In reality, (((they))) are after the public, and the Patriots are in the way.
STAND. STAND, and FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will, and I assure you the round about (((globalist))) way of trying to make DJT tired/fatigued about OUR demographic is going to FAIL.
We know there are enemies in the administration slipping poison into POTUS ears.
We know Patriots and POTUS are aware of (((their))) angles.
We know they manipulate events to force the majority (white/conservative) in a bad light.
We know they gaslight/provoke to make us do things that can fatigue Patriots in DC.
We know at the same time they push their pawns and psyop'd puppets (minority recent) with 'high energy' to subvert the MAGA vision.
We say, we see them all. All of (((them))).
I pray for POTUS and Q team daily.
EVIL surround us.
We will WIN.