"What if someone told you that you were the reincarnation of Jesus, and that it was your destiny to save the world from political and economic destruction?
Jack Cohen had his whole future before him. Just nineteen years old, he was a gifted athlete, a genius scholar, and a mixed martial arts prodigy, capable of leaving his mark in any number of ways. But his world turns suddenly upside down when a mesmerizing domme, Mary McDonald, enters his life and insists that he is Jesus 2.0 – and that it is his mission to wage spiritual and political warfare on the establishment of Washington, D.C. Beautiful, clever, yet dangerous, Mary also tells Jack that she was chosen from above to lead him to his mission. Though he tries to resist, Jack finds himself thrust into a journey of sexual, spiritual and political awakening that will forever alter his life… and change the course of the world.
A blend of Atlas Shrugged, Fifty Shades of Gray and The Shack, mixed together with a megadose of PEDs, Kill Jesus is a wild, page-turning ride that will open your mind to a new way of thinking, while shattering any notions of a pacifist or puritanical Messiah."
Author's Biography
I am a mystic-philosopher and spiritual teacher and have authored three books – “Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and Beyond, Eckhart Tolle’s Teachings,” “Electrical Christianity: A Revolutionary Guide to Jesus’ Teachings,” and “Kill Jesus: The Shocking Return of the Chosen One.” The first two books are nonfiction, while the third is a novel.
When I’m not writing I regularly abide in a state of blissful at-one-ment with the Spirit. Over the past forty years, I have practiced Transcendental Meditation, Self-Realization Fellowship meditation, Buddhist Vipassana Meditation, Zen Meditation, Tibetan Buddhist meditation (Mahamudra and Dzogchen), J. Krishnamuti's "choiceless awareness," Ramana Maharshi's Self-enquiry, Adi Da's radical understanding, Kashmir Shaivist Shaktipat, and hermetic Holy Communion. I now teach my my own method of meditation: Plugged-in Presence.
Because I specialize in sociopolitical philosophy as well as spiritual mysticism, I enjoy mixing in sociopolitical insights with spiritual ones in my books.
I have a B.A. in sociology from the University of California, San Diego, and currently reside in Tijuana, Mexico. Beyond meditation, philosophy, and writing, my interests include working out, tennis, and travel.
Discussion in terms of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. Interesting philosophy.