A poem for Q!
Years of liberal deep State corruption.
Had led our once great country, to the brink of destruction..
Our military in tatters, Our flag being burned. Our values and way of life, we're belittled and scorned.
Patriots morale, Beaten and bruised.
Patriot's knew, there was one chance to choose.
The perfect leader, To rewrite the news.
When our POTUS stepped up, put his hat in the ring, Patriots Hearts began to sing.
America United, every race, creed and color. Cherishing the fact, as Americans we're all Brothers.
Liberal lunatics, said it couldn't be done. One world order, was how America would be run.
Little did they know, what was lying in wait. POTUS, his Q team, plus Anons, Would be their fate.
The plan was delivered, it was mighty and true. With Q by his side, POTUS knew, just what to do.
Reddy the fight, launch the plan, rebuild our military, from land to land.
The battle rages on, even today, but deep state is dying, one world order, put away.
Our beloved brother, Fallen by fight,
gave us these words, to always recite.
" where we go one, we go all"my friends. we will live and will8 die, as Patriots to the end!
for we are patriots, through and through.
With scares little hope in sight, djt POTUS made ready for the fight.
Arc Angels gathered by his side, disguised as the Q team he was ready to ride.
The mighty Q and all his Anon's,