feeling is mutual
they deserve to die
feeling is mutual
they deserve to die
like for the last 7000 years
nothing will happen
and God will be like srry bro free will
throw literally 1 useless rat
in jail
and you have a public that doesnt want to lynch all sides
i know they will rat out on the higher ups
but there has to be some loser neither side cares about
you forgot the media
90% of think tanks
local cops
the cabal isnt national
they pull crap in your town too
prove its not regime change Q
why do you keep giving these people chances
i know they are "people" too
why does it seem like never go to jail
or have anything happen
i know Q is real
and is most likely who they say they are
why does it always feel like losing ?
the deep state knows more than we do i get it
inb4 universal war
im not kidding living is the real suffering
whos the most schizo anon