Inching closer. Wait till FISA is declassed…..
Here is link to Iowa where Trump said:
"I don't want to use our military. But this is a very dangerous world. This is a sick world, in many ways, OK? It's a very, very – I mean, I see things as president that you don't want to know about. The things that I see, you don't want to know about. We have to be on guard for some really treacherous people that are running some places – and we are so prepared you have no idea. We are so prepared. We are so prepared."
Updating this for people that say POTUS was referring to International affairs: Words have meaning!
We have to be on guard for some really "treacherous" people. Trump would not use word TREACHEROUS to refer to international actors. Look up definition of "treachery", it and the word Treason share common root meaning. Treachery: noun, plural treach·er·ies. 1) violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason. 2) an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason.