Since we have such adversarial company gracing (sic. sick) us tonight. I'll through some knowledge kibble into the ring for all to share and work with.
roth/FED=M$ creation demanded by banks having created need on their ledger by issuing loans( these days 180 what the textbook said).
Saudis=demand newly circulating M$ for their oil.
Saudis take new greenbacks and recycle them into Eurodollar markets, soveriegn lending to other countries, and ??? for Arms.
A closed system allowing for derivative financial instruments from ether, a need for all countries to hold greenbacks from Roths (if they want oil). And a way for Mars (war) to march on.
Russia and China setting up gold reserves, technical lnowledge in crypto, and petroyuan= way to work outside that system.
If trump works the deal with putin, then we 'muricans dont get left holding bag and taking blame for cabal fuckery. Mankind has a way to dismantle that system.
Awake yet?