I think I know whats going on only an opinion tho
I have been here since the beginning and played the senecio out in my head many times,
I think the dems now there going to get there ass kicked in the midterms,
I think they will do anything to stop these elections
we right now have 27 states that won't allow the feds into there voter rolls machines volunteer lists, registries ETC,
I think Potus will send the national Guard in to over see the elections, the USMC is activated to watch for false flag attacks to shut down the internet [then they can claim MUH INTERNET]
its moves and counter moves if dems succeed in shutting it down Potus Launches the Incitements and away they go, if they don't we continue on corse and vote them out.
There move after the election they are fucked anyway, only chance is a fair election
we know they can't do that[Pickle]