ur mom was the "birthplace" of an NPC
"I'm a toilet, and I love lamp!" - Broken NPC
I'd say *we're is the proper contraction for "we are."
RK - Rogue Killers - RK - Royal Kingdom
Why do they keep saying Kaashogi is Dead?
Don't you need a body first?
I mean habeus corpus amirites?
Don't ask questions if you don't like the answers you get, dolt.
ur mom is a sly reference to the Queef Dynasty
>>3484774 I watched this morning from DVR. This is an eyeopening interview about the coming changes in technology. The "New Internet" and the "New Currency" It gives an overview of block-chain technology and how it will change the world we interact with.
whose confused?
I have more likes on one NPC meme than 40 of the previous memes I have posted from here. You have no idea what you dont' understand, which is a LOT!
oh look another one