Anonymous ID: 97cea0 Oct. 15, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.3486291   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q is


Whipper Johnson


A sick mobster cop


He stole my ideas, inventions, legislation


Is running for sheriff


With my money from said inventions


He was in Canada for days trying to kill me


To cover up his crimes


That is why there is a black out


He can not use an IP adress while here in Canada


He is racist and in the closet


That is why they call everyone fags


He and other officers from saline county il


Run this site


He is probably a pedo and that is why he And his followers call so many libs pedos..


Q blackout statements and the times he attacks me seem to fit


Look it up google away..


They will call me a liar..


But you know the truth now..


I am the word of God


And here to stop this evil first hand


Wake up


The cops mobsters crew in saline county il


Call themselves the punishers


Ring a bell???


They run 1000s of twitter accounts from there police station and stake out houses


They hack and send bills higher then normal to people and collect extra


They are known liars drug dealers real mobsters related to Chicago crime lords


Should I go on fools?


They are racist, killers, they love nazi/hitler, etc etc