Anonymous ID: 50dd4b Oct. 15, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3486720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You are part of the system and dont even realize it. Forget for a moment the healthcare is system is a fraud to permanently treat people and never cure anyone. You go paint a barn or any job you want to and call yourself free…but dont forget to pay your fed income tax, your FICA, your medicare,your state income tax, your local income tax, your sales, tax, your luxury tax, your alcohol tax, your cigarette tax, your weed tax, your highway use tax, your drive license, your license plate, your required car insurance, your required health insurance, your education bond taxes, your HOA taxes, your toll roads….but keep on thinking you are free. You are a pawn of the system…yeah, I said pawn.