Anonymous ID: 53f34c Oct. 15, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3486409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609

>>3485496 (PB)

There is no such thing as Cherokee DNA, especially for the Eastern Band....the Eastern band has a high incidence of red hair..this likely comes from the hurridly reburied bodies found in the Windover bog in florida...when they were first found it caused great excitement, but when the evidence began to show pre-Ameriindian tech etc, the literally covered the site up. Of specific interest was the exceptionally high tech weaving. They had a fabric conservator come in to conserve the amazing weavings, technology that American Indians did not have for maybe a thousand more years. They were also red headed (dark auburn if my memory serves me) the weavings were remarkably correlated to the Turturlian mummies (aka the red headed mummies of China which were also concealed for many many years due to them not being Asian). Digging into this rabbit hole is quite the adventure. They ltierally went dead silent on the site, but my guess is the Eastern Band was heavily influenced by these mystery people.


Only Halopgroup X is known to be NA, and that is Ojibwa/Mohawk.


Fact is there have been people coming and going from this continent for a VERY long time. The Salutrean theory is inexplicable. Find that documentary on jewtube (although it's a non PC theory and may be gone) I think it is called "The First Americans". Archeologists traced the point technology to France, not Asia as expected. Long story on tech and it's development but it happens in stages.


Then have a look at what happened when Topper was dug deeper than 13k years...oops. Never dig below 13k years unless you want to be ostracized.


Currently NAs like the Maori are very very anti DNA studies and ANYTHING that might take away their "first nations" you took our shit (that we took from others) story and they will do ANYTHING to defend it. Look what they did to keep Kennewick man from being studied? Spirit Cave mummy? Any evidence that interferes with the first nation myth is automatically seen as raccisss and hateful. I know there's a DNA study among the Creek Indians that has PROVEN what we already knew..the Maya came up here. But absofuckinlutely don't talk about it OR ELSE.


There is a silent conspiracy in archeology....look what happened to the lady who dated Teotihuacan...


What's happening in Gault texas?


I watched a guy (Charlie Hackett in Texas) digging a site on his own land for years literally proving inground iron smelting LONG before archaeologists agree it happened...artifacts were taken to an institute in NE for dating without telling them where they came from. They were identified as ancient and European. Upon reading the report when the artifacts were picked up, the institute was told where they actually came from...and the report was literally ripped from his hands and torn up in front of him "we don't want any part of this".


Stone artifacts in Tutaval in S. France match exactly artifacts found in the US. Impossible...and racsisss.


FACT POKAHAUNTUS used a family story to get benefits she was not entitled to...but those benefits are based on a first nations myth which is also untrue. Native Americans who crossed from the ice bridge stole shit from people who were already here, Maori also stole shit from people who were already in NZ and they won't do ANYTHING that will endanger their first nations story...cause gibs.