Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.3486306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6338 >>6537 >>6709 >>6856

Julian Assange’s Communications Not Yet Restored, Will Have Severe Restrictions on His Speech and Writing


Despite numerous reports claiming that the communications of Julian Assange have been restored, they are not yet — and there will be a severe regime of penalties and sanctions on his speech and writing when they are.


The team at WikiLeaks was informed on Friday that his communications would be restored on Monday, October 15, but so far there has not been any change. New developments on the issue are expected shortly.


Reuters had reported on Sunday that his communications had been partially restored, but they have not, according to a source close to the publisher.


When they are restored, his freedom of speech will be trampled. A source told the Gateway Pundit that there is a new ominous sounding protocol including a 10-page regime of penalties and sanctions of restrictions on what he will be able to discuss or report.


The impetus behind the pending de-isolation was the meeting between two senior United Nations officials and Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno on Friday.


Moreno has not been as keen on protecting the publisher as his predecessor was. He has referred to Assange as an “inherited problem” and has been seemingly eager to work out a deal to hand the publisher to the United States.


On March 28, Ecuador caved to pressure from the United States and Spanish governments to isolate Assange by revoking his right to have visitors, make phone calls or use the internet.


The WikiLeaks founder entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on June 19, 2012. Since that time, UK efforts to detain Assange have cost the government some $10 million, though no budget breakdown has ever been provided.


The United Kingdom has long refused to acknowledge the findings of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD), which found that Assange is being arbitrarily and unlawfully detained and must be immediately released and compensated. They have also denied him safe passage to a hospital after doctors who examined him called for him to be allowed to go and be treated for his deteriorating health.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3486322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6366

Saudi Man Recognizes His Late Brother Among Khashoggi Case Suspects List


On October 10, Al Jazeera published photos of 15 alleged Saudi nationals who reportedly arrived in Istanbul on October 2 and may be involved in the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. However, a Saudi man claims that one of these men is actually his brother who died last year.


On the very day when journalist Jamal Khashoggi went missing, some 15 Saudi nationals arrived in Turkey by air, and it is these very people who might be responsible for his disappearance, Daily Sabah reported.


The images of these alleged suspects, reportedly taken from CCTV cameras at the airport, were later published by Turkish media outlets and by Al Jazeera.


However, a Saudi Arabian man named Ali Shabib al-Balawi told Sputnik Arabic that he recognized the man on Photo Number 8 as his late brother, Abdel Aziz Shabib al-Balawi, who died a year ago.


As al-Balawi explained, he and his family members were very surprised when they saw a photo of Abdel Aziz (who, for some reason, was called Fahd by the aforementioned media agencies) on the TV screen.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.3486367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu’s adventures in the AIPAC wonderland


Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the 2018 conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), are key to an understanding of how Israel is run. The Israeli leader is not only his country’s longest-serving Prime Minister, but is also different from his predecessors in many ways. One difference has affected his personality and behaviour markedly; he was raised in the United States and imbibed its culture and political tactics. This has affected his own political behaviour as well as his world view and self-perception.


In his speech to the main pro-Israel lobby group in the US, Netanyahu acted not as a visiting head of a state, but as an experienced salesman who is keen to convince his business partners that their money is invested well and their corporation is flourishing. This reminded me of the colonial era when countries were regarded as projects and people as slaves. He seemed to have forgotten that legitimacy is not measured by business success and how developed you are. If it was, Adolf Hitler would be ranked one of the best leaders ever.


As Netanyahu stood on the stage among his friends in AIPAC, he seemed to have forgotten that he was in America, not Israel. He said that he was unable to see the audience from behind the podium, so decided to move around the stage, against the directions of the organisers. “What the heck,” he protested, “I’m the prime minister.” This may have been one of few moments of truth in his whole speech. The level of affection and warmth that Netanyahu experienced at the AIPAC conference clearly made him think for a moment that he was indeed in Israel and addressing an Israeli audience.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.3486444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stay Alert With Extreme Prejudice! The 'World In 2019' Economist Magazine Cover Hints At The Arrival Of The 'End Game'


- Globalist Mouthpiece's 33rd Edition Is Midnight Black!


Close to the end of the year each year going back decades, The Economist magazine puts out an issue in which they take a look at the coming year and 2018 is no exception. As we had reported on ANP back on July 11th of 2017, back in 1988, The Economist put out a story in which the cover photo featured the mythical 'phoenix' rising out of the ashes of burning dollar bills and other paper/fiat money, wearing a gold medallion with the year '2018' on it with their title, "Get Ready For A World Currency".


Reporting in their story that 30 years from then, Americans, Europeans, the Japanese and people from other 'rich countries' would probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency, what they called 'The Phoenix', their story argued that in 'The New World Economy' (yes, they use that exact phrase but NO, there is no such thing as a 'new world order'!) 'the phoenix zone' would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy.


Closing their 1988 story with "pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes", it's clear by looking at the events of the last two years that the globalists plans for 'the phoenix' were severely derailed with the arrival of President Trump in office in January of 2017 though they've been fighting him and his #MAGA agenda tooth and nail every step of the way since then.


And while issues of The Economist since have featured many brightly colored images containing clearly hidden messages as seen in the photographs of some of their recent covers we've embedded further below, their newly released "The World In 2019" issue seen at the top of this story is stunning in comparison: Midnight black. What is The Economist, clearly a mouthpiece for the globalists, attempting to tell us with this new issue? The 1988 'Get Ready For The Phoenix' issue is right next to it below in comparison.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.3486626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Officials Meet With Taliban In Doha As US Appears Unable To Achieve Military Victory In Afghan Conflict


On October 12th, Zalmay Khalilzad, the US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan met with six Taliban representatives in Qatar’s Doha, according to a statement by Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.


“Both sides spoke (about) an end to the occupation and a peaceful solution to the Afghan issue … Both sides agreed to continue meeting in the future,” Mujahid said on October 13th.


He also said that the group would continue to have discussions with the Afghan-born diplomat.


An unnamed senior Taliban member, cited by Al Jazeera, said that both sides had tough conditions for peace. “It was an introductory meeting in which an eight-member U.S. delegation held a detailed meeting with members of our political office,” he said. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanakzai, who is the head of Taliban’s Qatar office, led the discussions, the source said.


Al Jazeera also cited a different Taliban member who requested anonymity said that “both sides discussed prospects for peace, and the U.S presence in Afghanistan.”


Furthermore, Al Jazeera cited another senior member of the Taliban claimed that Khalilzad had requested the Taliban to declare a ceasefire in Afghanistan for six months, starting before the October 20th elections.


In exchange, the Taliban wants the Afghan government to release fighters from jails across the country and the swift removal of foreign forces fighting alongside Afghan troops.


According to yet another unnamed Taliban source, the US delegation proposed forming different committees to handle the release of prisoners. The source, however, said that neither side agreed to the other’s requests, but they agreed to meet again and find a solution.


As reported by Al Jazeera, Khalilzad arrived in Kabul on October 13th and briefed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani about his 10-day tour of four countries and about the meeting with the Taliban representatives.


A statement about Khalilzad’s diplomatic tour released by the U.S. embassy in Kabul did not confirm his meeting with the Taliban.


“The United States shares the aspirations of all Afghans for a peaceful Afghanistan where all Afghans see themselves included. All citizens of Afghanistan must be a part of this reconciliation process,” said Khalilzad, according to the press release.


“The purpose of this entire trip is to talk about the peace and reconciliation progress,” US State Department’s spokesperson Heather Nauert told a news briefing in Washington. “Any time we’re there on the ground we’re making headway.”

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3486713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6727

Scientists Fear DARPA’s Plan to Infect Insects with GM Viruses to Place on our Crops


Again, the mad scientist division of the Pentagon, DARPA, is doing something that causes people anxiety. In 2016, a program called “Insect Allies” was launched by the US Department of Defense. It involves the investment of $45 million over the course of four years into creating viruses, that infect crops, supposedly to help prevent the failure of crops driven by climate change and pathogens.


The main focus of the program appears to be delivering a genetically engineered virus into a plant, that could improve crop growth by altering which genes the plants choose to express.


Let’s just take a step back and think about that: the US military wants to genetically engineer viruses to infect our crops with, so we can eat virus infected, altered crops.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.3486758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mind-blowing video shows Democrat activists being mass hypnotized in broad daylight… the Left has become a CULT of fanatical followers


A stunning video posted by All News Pipeline — and hosted on — reveals a shocking “mass hypnosis” session being performed on Democrat activists. In the video, a left-wing organizer states a sentence, and then hoards of Democrats mindlessly repeat the sentence in a zombie-like monotone.


This is why Democrats are increasingly referred to as the “Left Cult.” The behavior of leftists increasingly resembles cult-like fanaticism, complete with hypnotic auto-suggestion sessions carried out in plain daylight and caught on camera.


Watch the video below to see the shocking proof of left-wing mind control for yourself:


Organizer: “In 30 minutes…”


Left-wing crowd: “In 30 minutes…”


Organizer: “Meet me to the left.”


Left-wing crowd: “Meet me to the left.”


Organizer: “If you would like to go to an office…”


Left-wing crowd: “If you would like to go to an office…”


Organizer: “To spend time…”


Left-wing crowd: “To spend time…”


Organizer: “With your Senator…”


Left-wing crowd: “With your Senator…”


Organizer: “…go to that office.”


Left-wing crowd: “…go to that office.”


You have to see this yourself to believe it. The entire scene reveals an actual real-time mass hypnosis of highly suggestible left-wing activists who appear to be incapable of thinking for themselves.


As All News Pipeline describes it:


And with this creepy video giving us a look into the mindset of Democrats in 2018, where many of them are already transitioning from being merely ‘a mob’ into being ‘domestic terrorists’ as we’ve seen in antifa terrorists vandalizing the GOP’s headquarters in New York, we see the results of outright MK Ultra mind control happening before our eyes in this video via neuro linguistic programming, one of the most common forms of mind control.

Anonymous ID: 596fee Oct. 15, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3486955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6994 >>7069



Saudi Arabia To Admit Khashoggi Killed During "Botched Interrogation"


If you anticipated that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman - having been backed into a corner by Turkish spooks who had bugged the kingdom's Istanbul consulate - would swiftly seek to blame the death of regime insider-turned-critic Jamal Khashoggi on some unfortunate underling, then congratulations. You were right.


Just hours after a spokesman for the regime revealed that the ailing King Salman had ordered an independent investigation into Khashoggi's disappearance - a revelation that was effectively the first hint that the Saudis might soon be forced to admit that they played a role in it after repeatedly insisting on their story that he had left the consulate shortly after he arrived on Oct. 2 - CNN is reporting that the kingdom is planning to announce that Khashoggi's death was "an accident" and that he died during an interrogation at the consulate as Saudi officials had been attempting to rendition him back to Saudi Arabia.


Of course, Trump had warned that there would be "severe consequences" if the Saudi government was found to have ordered Khashoggi's killing - a claim that immediately elicited a threatening response from the kingdom, which hinted that it could "weaponize" oil prices if the US dares to pursue sanctions against it. Pinning the killing on a negligent underling (despite numerous reports that the order had been handed down by MbS himself) is probably the easiest way to defuse what has metastasized over the past week into a full-blown diplomatic crisis. We imagine MbS is also hoping to nip speculation that the Khashoggi incident could lead to him being removed as Crown Prince - though it's never been clear who is even in a position to remove MbS, as the Crown Prince has spent the last two years consolidating power and marginalizing (or eliminating) rivals. And if the leaked details of the killing, details that have reportedly been culled from a clandestine recording made by Turkish intelligence, are, in fact, accurate, then it's difficult to imagine how Khashoggi being dragged out of an interrogation room, murdered and then chopped into pieces could have happened by accident.