Anonymous ID: 8f0e99 Oct. 15, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3486965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why the NPC meme frightens Silicon Valley


Twitter is actively banning NPC meme accounts, due to its “dehumanizing” nature. The visual meme as it is used today has been around only a few months following an article suggesting only 26% of the population have an inner monologue. This is the fastest we’ve seen a meme banned and attacked, so fast in fact, that censors are trying to shut it down before it gets to the public. But why?

<Simulation Theory

Silicon Valley types have mostly converted to Simulation Theory / AI-God religious type thinking. Within simulation theory it’s highly unlikely that all of us, some of us, or even any of us are avatars being directly controlled from base reality by a sentient life from. The NPC meme is a reminder of this. Imagine worshiping at an alter that negates your very existence.

<Sensory Overload

Over exposure to tech devices / sensory overload, has the potential diminish or entirely extinguish all internalization. Who else would be more at risk for the side effects of sensory overload than someone working in Silicon Valley? When these people stop to reflect for the first time in years whether or not they have an inner monologue and realize that voice is gone, the NPC meme hits too close to home.