Anonymous ID: a44dd7 Oct. 15, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3486644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It has been fun over the last 11 months reading Q's posts and imagining a world where actual justice was administered on the soulless evil that constantly ruins everything. But, reality is setting in. I think this was what Q team wanted to happen, but reality is turning out to be far to difficult a thing to change. Hence, Q's last post. IF, and that is a big if at this point, Q and POTUS really are doing these things, it will take years and years to unravel the mess. They will have to do it with the media working against them and a corrupt systems at every level throwing wrenches in the gears.


It was fun while it lasted. But it appears the Cabal has a foothold again. Prediction after prediction has failed to materialize.and all Q can tell us after the fact is "critical thinking" and patience.


The well of corruption is simply too deep at this point.