Anonymous ID: 0fba2f Oct. 15, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3487556   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7597



The reason it was called “Advanced” back in 1979 is because it was compared to the original game and a simpler version (called “Dungeons & Dragons” and “Basic Dungeons & Dragons”, respectively). The “Advanced” was also tacked onto the front for (ultimately futile) legal reasons having to do with the split between the two creators of the original edition of D&D (now called “OD&D” for clarity, since the naming and numbering of D&D editions is confusing). Relative to those editions from the 70s, yes, AD&D has more options and rules.


This is the behind-the-scenes stuff that can make a DM shine. Discussions cover everything from saving throws to inspiration to fudging the dice to roleplaying




So much fun stuff in Chapter 8! There’s a section on running a chase. Yeah, drop a chase scene into an adventure (pages 252-254) and you’re going to get the DM of the Year award. Other Chapter 8 topics include using miniatures, tracking monster HP during combat, tossing in disease and madness risks to characters, and much more.