Anonymous ID: 33ebaa Oct. 15, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3487185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was reading an article about Jfk jr that was one of the last interviews with him before he faked his death. He mentioned he had a name picked out for his fantasy kid already. Flynn.


Somewhat odd right? Why mention that? Someone must of been important to have influenced him to want to name a kid after them. Well now we know that General Flynn was the man trusted to be the point man to Putin in trying to destroy ZOG. It makes me wonder if Flynn as a younger man (similar age) was assigned to Jr to teach him the ropes on the way the Cabal fuckery worked World Wide. Friends to Brothers kind of shit?


So I thought that if this is true then looking for the Jfk jr wedding attendee list would be a real good lead because anyone picked to be the fantasy sons name would likely be there. So I went looking but have discovered it is a secret who went to Jfk jr's wedding.

[Reggie recalls how only 35 guests were invited to witness the nuptials, which remained a tight-lipped secret from the public.]


My theory is General Flynn and Jfk jr are tight friends and have been plotting this shit for decades.


Anyone have any sauce on who attended the Jfk Jr wedding?