Anonymous ID: 46709e Oct. 15, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3487557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7580 >>7594


At this polls. Q is calling us to do our part. Some of us have been here since 1/2 chan. Some of us more recently. All of us know what are task ahead is; answer Q's call to unite at the polls, and give liberty and our republic the chance to take back the reigns of the country once and for all.



Get a grip on the lack of Q drops. There's nothing much to talk about until after the midterms. Sure, Q might stop in and give a few rally cries, but now is the time. Vote early, if you can. Let's do our part in "The Plan". Get those elected that you know we need. Get to the polls, and unite for our blessed nation for the cause of patiotism. Don't give them an inch.


Not one seat!