Anonymous ID: eeca54 Oct. 15, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.3487458   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Look Anon, I just finished watching both of these videos [Last Bread] and am pissed.This stuff is going on where I live in Asia. Chemtrails from hell all summer long. STRANGE weather EVENTS, Last nigh was the weirdest electrical storm comparable to Kansas I have ever seen here. Typhoons popping up out of no where then disappearing just as quick. Typhoon two weeks ago and a week ago that had wind doing the exact same thing. Nothing about the weather here this whole summer is Natural but everyone is so busy with their fkng Iphones they can't see it right in front of their face!

First, thanks for posting these. Second, these ARE

NOtable AF

'''Stop Name fagging though so maybe the baker will take you seriously! IJS, nope, I fkng saying!!!