Anonymous ID: 2a56b1 Oct. 15, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.3487946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8540
  1. Brunson contacted Amnesty International’s Turkey director, who is also an attorney, nine times to inquire about his residency permit. Although it is not a crime to retain a lawyer in Turkey, this attorney was later imprisoned on terrorism charges, and hence any prior contact with him is now retrospectively a criminal act.


  1. A witness, who admits to being convicted of murder and escaping from prison, claims that he heard from an “Israeli missionary” that Brunson had joined a meeting at an Istanbul convention center in March 2013, where attendees planned what would later become the Gezi Park protests, a nationwide demonstration over the government’s razing of trees in May 2013.


  1. Brunson has allegedly been in contact with volunteers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A secret witness argues that this is suspicious, since he also claims that “English teachers at Turkey’s military high schools have been members of the LDS church since the 1990s,” and that Mormons are “strongly influential in the U.S. Army, the CIA, and the NSA” and “make up 40 percent of U.S. military personnel serving in foreign countries.”


  1. Brunson’s alleged contact with the LDS church is presented as criminal since a secret witness claims that the gang of Mormon English teachers mentioned above all have the same identifying feature: a missing finger, but each one has a different finger missing.