Anonymous ID: 352a84 Oct. 15, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.3488380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395

Basket of deNotables

Please call out "notable" for anything you want in from here (or reply to this post). Ty!



>>3488069 Ortel sauced twats re CF/frens failures to meet reqs of tax-exempt entity

>>3488018, >>3488294, >>3488320, >>3488161 Cherokee Nation's Official Statement on Pocahontas

>>3487988, >>3488063, >>3488237 Sen. Hatch: Dems sent nothing-burger complaint letter

>>3487934 POTUS's approval ratings among blacks 35% now vs. 23% this time last year

>>3488018 Cherokee nation official statement against Pocohontus

>>3487926 Florida Supreme Courtt: Rick Scott can't replace retiring justices b4 leaving

>>3487907 Anon summary best summary: "Trump responds to fake Indian lady," Keks ensue

>>3487903 Twitter is reportedly being investigated in Ireland for tracking users

>>3487882 Go Deutschland Go! Germany deports associate of Sept. 11 hijackers to Morocco

>>3487876 No Soup For You! MN Lefties protecting restaurants from mean Republicans


>>3488320, >>3488294, >>3488335

Perfect, ty anons.

Anonymous ID: 352a84 Oct. 15, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.3488567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8575


>>3488499, >>3488514 Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen dead at 65, family says

>>3488391 The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil (((Khazarian Mafia))) (2015 article)

>>3487945, >>3488006, >>3488047 Former Senate aide James Wolfe arrested for lying to FBI

>>3488069 Ortel sauced twats re CF/frens failures to meet reqs of tax-exempt entity

>>3488018, >>3488294, >>3488320, >>3488161 Cherokee Nation's Official Statement on Pocahontas

>>3487988, >>3488063, >>3488237 Sen. Hatch: Dems sent nothing-burger complaint letter

>>3487934 POTUS's approval ratings among blacks 35% now vs. 23% this time last year

>>3488018 Cherokee nation official statement against Pocohontus

>>3487926 Florida Supreme Courtt: Rick Scott can't replace retiring justices b4 leaving

>>3487907 Anon summary best summary: "Trump responds to fake Indian lady," Keks ensue

>>3487903 Twitter is reportedly being investigated in Ireland for tracking users

>>3487882 Go Deutschland Go! Germany deports associate of Sept. 11 hijackers to Morocco

>>3487876 No Soup For You! MN Lefties protecting restaurants from mean Republicans


Last call for notables/corrections

Ty anons