Anonymous ID: 8853fc Oct. 15, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3487993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8010


skin is too light

He was not in Hussain Admin

Other thing dont match, like his nose which is too broad to match sofa boys..

Also Q said he would be at this time clean shaven.

Anonymous ID: 8853fc Oct. 15, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.3488516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8529 >>8560 >>8613


Sounds like a bigot to me. How can you generalize. That's stupid . That's NPC

Also, he was in on the NWO plot, he was a Satanist, and he escaped to S. American and gave paternity to Merkel

So how is he a hero? He's not. He's a hateful fraud. He didn't help the world. Hitler was part of the plot to destroy us.

Bobbie Fischer is also a narrow-minded hater and bigot.



A Cabal is not necessarily a Jewish conspiracy.

Most jews do not study the Kaballah and have no idea what it is.

CABALA means "recieved"

a secret science which the Rabbins of hte Jews pretend to by which they unfold all the mysteries of divinity and expound the scriptures ; also a junto, private council, a particular party, set or gang.


to plot together privately,

to make parties.

CABALLER - a party man.