Anonymous ID: f2b386 Oct. 15, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.3488318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8349



2015 Rio Tinto to destroy indigenous Holy Land in the United States


The land grab was sneakily anti-democratic even by congressional standards. For more than a decade, the parcel containing Oak Flat has been coveted by Rio Tinto, Resolution’s parent company — which already mines on its own private land in the surrounding area — for the high-value ores beneath it.


The swap — which will trade 5,300 acres of private parcels owned by the company to the Forest Service and give 2,400 acres including Oak Flat to Resolution so that it can mine the land without oversight — had been attempted multiple times by Arizona members of Congress on behalf of the company. (Among those involved was Rick Renzi, a former Republican representative who was sent to federal prison in February for three years for corruption related to earlier versions of the land-transfer deal.) It always failed in Congress because of lack of support. But this time was different. This time, the giveaway language was slipped onto the defense bill by Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona at the 11th hour. The tactic was successful only because, like most last-minute riders, it bypassed public scrutiny.


It’s worth noting that Rio Tinto affiliates have been McCain campaign contributors, and that Mr. Flake, before he made it to Congress, was a paid lobbyist for Rio Tinto Rössing Uranium (a huge uranium mine in Namibia). Mr. McCain and others assert that the mining project will be a boost to the local economy, though it’s unclear how many of the 1,400 promised jobs would be local; a Superior-area miners’ group, in fact, opposes the swap on the basis that it won’t help the local people or economy. Rio Tinto, incidentally, has been called out in the past for environmental devastation.


“Why is this place sacred?” said Wendsler Nosie Sr., a former chairman of the San Carlos Apache, in a recent interview with Cronkite News. “No difference to Mount Sinai. How the holy spirit came to be.”


If you don’t want to take his word for it, the archaeological record at Oak Flat contains abundant evidence that the Apache have been here “since well before recorded history,” according to congressional testimony by the Society for American Archaeology.


The truth is that for Mr. McCain, Mr. Flake and others who would allow this precious public land to be destroyed, it’s not only the Indians who are invisible. The rest of us are also ghosts, remnants of a quaint idea of democracy.

Anonymous ID: f2b386 Oct. 15, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3488338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RIO TINTO Rössing Uranium - huge uranium mine in Namibia


By 2007, shares in the Rössing Uranium Mine were owned 69% by the Rio Tinto Group, 15% by the Government of Iran (purchased in 1976), 10% by IDC of South Africa, 3% by the Government of Namibia (with 51% of voting rights), and 3% by local individual shareholders.


Although Rössing's part-ownership by Iran was the cause of controversy in the 1970s and 1980s, the Namibian Government – in power since 1990 – has denied supplying Iran with Namibian uranium, which could be used for nuclear weapons.




On 10 March 1980, when Follow the Yellowcake Road was broadcast in the UK by Thames Television, the TV documentary was signposting a 12-year journey that started four years earlier at the Rössing Uranium Mine in Namibia. Synopsis of the film:


"World In Action investigates the secret contract and operation arranged by British-based Rio Tinto Zinc Corp to import into Britain uranium (Yellowcake) from the Rössing Uranium Mine in Namibia, whose major shareholders are the governments of Iran and South Africa. This contract having received the blessing of the British government is now compromising the UK's position in the United Nations negotiations to remove apartheid South Africa from Namibia, which it is illegally occupying."


Yellowcake Road ends with Pan Am Flight 103


Starting at the Rössing Uranium Mine in 1976, the Yellowcake Road continued through President P W Botha's South Africa and Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, and ended with the murder of United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and UN Commissioner for Namibia, Bernt Carlsson, on Pan Am Flight 103 at Lockerbie in Scotland on 21 December 1988.

Anonymous ID: f2b386 Oct. 15, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.3488349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


On 22 December 1988, President Ronald Reagan phoned Downing Street:


"Margaret, I understand you have just returned from the site of the Pan Am crash. I want to thank you for your expression of sorrow on the Pan Am 103 tragedy. On behalf of the American people, I also want to thank the rescue workers who responded so quickly and courageously. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this accident, both the passengers on the plane and the villagers in Scotland."


Within four months of the Lockerbie disaster, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher decided to make a whistle-stop tour of southern Africa,[7] and found time to visit Namibia's Rössing Uranium Mine where she was accompanied by David Cameron, then a youthful Conservative Central Office researcher. Mrs Thatcher was so impressed by the Rössing Uranium Mine that she declared it made her "proud to be British".




In February 2015, former secret agent Tony Holland revealed that he had been spying for MI6 in South Africa in 1969 when he worked as an engineer on the design of the Rössing opencast uranium mine which was being constructed in the Namibian desert for the international firm RTZ with South African and Iranian finance.


While working in South Africa for Fraser and Chalmers, an engineering subsidiary of the British firm Mitchell Cotts, Holland reported to MI6 in London on a meeting he attended in Johannesburg between mine engineers and the charismatic Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan, who had signed a clandestine trade agreement under which South Africa ensured supplies of uranium oxide for the Israeli atom bomb project at Dimona.


Rössing became the world’s third-largest opencast uranium mine, lying in a desert that was controlled unlawfully by South Africa and therefore beyond the supervision of international inspectors. It became the source of un-monitored supplies of uranium oxide ‘Yellowcake’ for rogue nations seeking to develop nuclear weapons.


In an unpublished memoir, now being handled by Nick Hudson, the Australian publisher of Peter Wright's notorious book "Spycatcher", Tony Holland wrote:


"Dayan wasn’t wearing his eye patch, and there was a gouged eye underneath. We were told that if anyone recognised him and asked what he was doing in Johannesburg, we were to say that he was there for an operation on the eye. They weren’t supposed to be developing their own bomb, but we helped them by turning a blind eye."




In March 1989, while Mrs Thatcher was in Namibia, she put improper pressure on the UN's man, Martti Ahtisaari, head of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group, to permit the South African Defence Force (SADF) to take action against SWAPO soldiers who were peacefully returning to Namibia to vote in the November 1989 independence elections. As a result, as many as 308 SWAPO soldiers were killed - "shot in the back" according to former SADF major Nico Basson. Whether Mrs Thatcher could have persuaded UN Commissioner for Namibia, Bernt Carlsson, to agree to such treachery we shall never know since Mr Carlsson was assassinated fifteen weeks earlier, on 21 December 1988.[16]