Anonymous ID: 17d653 Oct. 15, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.3489821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9830 >>9836 >>9869 >>9913 >>9967 >>0118

1 of the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTIONS of our LIVES is Only 3 Wks Away


Q, where are you?

I know we "have it all" & don't need your hand holding but I would have thought THE STORM would be pounding the Cabal right now since we are so close to one of the most important elections in our lifetime…the one that will determine if WE THE PEOPLE WIN or if we go to civil war.


I trust THE PLAN, but of course I'm a bit nervous as well….since we haven't had the Mueller report, the promised declassified FISA documents, emails, or texts.

We haven't had HRC video nor BHO photo….why? I know you are trying to clean out our FBI, DOJ, & courts…but that is pretty much completed.

I'm actually thinking that none of these things will be dropped before the election bc then the Dems would SCREAM that these revelations were only dropped by POTUS/Republicans to INFLUENCE & tamper with the midterms,

EVEN THOUGH, if the Dems had this information they wouldn't think twice about influencing an election.


Q & POTUS, I am a Patriotic American who has a family who has PROUDLY Served our country & we implore of you to RELEASE THE TRUTH! Please let the American people know the TRUTH about our government corruption, lies, murders, voter fraud, Satanism, the child sacrifices, & open the sealed indictments! WE ALL DESERVE to know BEFORE we VOTE!!


Hell, at least do one thing from what I mentioned above….we need to SEAL THE DEAL with these elections! The TRUTH can NOT keep being denied to the people of this country!