Anonymous ID: 219358 Oct. 15, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.3489700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Warren did not take the DNA test as prescribed


The Left claims President Trump should donate $1 million to E. Fauxcahontas’ charity/family trust. The false claim is based on statements during the July 5 Great Falls MT rally. President Trump was correct when he told the liberal reporter today (Oct 15), “you better read it again”.


First, it was not a direct offer. President Trump stated it as a hypothetical debate saying "Let's say I'm debating Pocahontas…".


Second, he described that “during the debate” the swab sample would be conducted. This part of the “alleged” agreement did not happen.


Third, the offer of $1 million dollar donation to her family trust will be made upon completion of the sampling during the hypothetical debate.


So if the Left claims the $1 million donation offer is legitimate, the sampling had to performed during a debate. Facts: the scenario was a hypothetical debate; there was no debate between President Trump and E. Warren; no DNA test sample was taken during a debate. Conclusion: Warren did not uphold her part of the “hypothetical” agreement. >> Context matters.


foxnews clip from July 5 rally