Anonymous ID: 56238f Oct. 15, 2018, 5:07 p.m. No.3489745   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Breakdown of Fauxahontas tweet-


Creepy (stolen from tuckers remark about Creepy porn lawyer)


Physcial (not sure where that came from but I think it is for theatrics that she is being physically abused)


Threats (everything anyone does that I dont agree with is is a threat)


He's Scared (I'm scared)


He does what he always does to women (I'm a woman therefore I am a victim and will use the victim card anytime I see fit)


Calls us

Names ( when we really call him names as example a racist and misogynist because again it makes women bigger victims)


Attack us personally ( He is calling my lies out and that threatens my appearance to the people I exploit)


Shrink us down ( My high cheek bone argument no longer works so I will make it like we are small to claim victim even more if my other victim excuses don't work)


It may soothe his ego = but it wont work (my ego is shattered, my lies have been exposed, I am writing this tweet to make my bruised ego and reputation look like it doesn't exist……. HE BROKE ME !)