Anonymous ID: 7f73ff Oct. 15, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.3491423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450 >>1468 >>1586 >>1634


This is like the old star trek episode where Kirk blows up the malfunctioning probe by causing a logical contradiction that it cannot resolve.


I love the approach but can somebody who does social media give feedback as to whether it's turning normies and has them begging for more redpills? Or is it just pissing them off?

Anonymous ID: 7f73ff Oct. 15, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3491548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1588


>Pissing them off or turning them?

<Sounds good either way.

Well no, our objective is to change their voting behavior in the midterms, and longer term to wake them up so they start thinking for themselves and ingesting accurate data and cogitating accurately instead of internalizing the lies anymore.

Anonymous ID: 7f73ff Oct. 15, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.3491654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1664 >>1702


It's actually effective marketing.

What they teach in marketing classes.

Invent a new "category" for some common product that you make (like a car) and give it a new name (sport utility vehicle). Then advertise the hell out of it. The idea is to convince consumers that you are first and only in that new category, nobody else makes that, and it's new, and desirable.

If you study the marketing of products you will see this happen all the time.

Some anons are learning how to do it with ideas.

If you have contempt for this approach then you will not use it, and our opponents will. Sun Tzu said to study your enemy and learn their tactics?

Anonymous ID: 7f73ff Oct. 15, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3491698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. I am thinking of Nomad.


Nomad | Memory Alpha | FANDOM powered by Wikia

The Nomad MK-15c (NSSDC ID: 2002-045b) space probe was a Nomad Program spacecraft that was in service in the early 21st century.Dr. Jackson Roykirk designed the probe with two goals in mind: to create a probe that could function as a perfect thinking machine capable of independent logic and that could seek out new lifeforms in interstellar space.

Nomad was eventually discovered by the USS Enterprise in 2267, shortly after it wiped out four billion inhabitants of the Malurian system. Originally deeming the Enterprise to be as imperfect as the Malurians, it opened fire on the vessel, nearly destroying it. It halted its attack when Captain James Kirk hailed the probe and introduced himself, confusing Captain Kirk for Dr. Roykirk.


Upon coming aboard the Enterprise, Nomad found the crew to be imperfect and wiped out the memory of Lieutenant Uhura as well as killing Montgomery Scott. Fortunately for Scotty, Nomad was able to "repair" him back to life on the orders of Kirk. Using the ship's star charts, Nomad was able to fix coordinates on Earth and planned to return. Kirk was concerned that if Nomad returned to Earth and found it to be populated with imperfect lifeforms, it would sterilize the planet. Captain Kirk managed to convince the probe that it was imperfect because it had mistaken Kirk for Roykirk, its creator. This led Nomad to violently self-destruct, though Kirk was able to beam it out into space before it did so.