Anonymous ID: a93526 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3491318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3485984 (PB)

Mid 60's. Stop age dividing. By the way, your Mom wants her good pantyhose back and there better not be any runners in them this time.


Then where do you think the job numbers come from? I have a friend who is in a hiring frenzy for skilled trade construction jobs ... can't find enough people and has to hire folks he would never have considered last year.

>>3485779 (PB)

WHY are we hearing about this now? Are they building sympathy for the Secret Service ahead of a successful attempt?

>>3485721 (PB)

Apparently YOU are one of those whose feelz were hurt. The NPC character is so obvious that it can be understood without the explanation. And I say this as a guy whose only FPS game (ever) was Wolfenstein 3d on DOS.

>>3485733 (PB)

Ready to execute the EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. Read what is written. Then stop.

BTW, DO you have an emergency response plan in place for a half-dozen or so of the most probable emergencies you might face? If not, get off /qresearch/ and follow the plain instructions you've been given.

>>3485752 (PB)

Need to tack Antifa on the end of that list.

Anonymous ID: a93526 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.3491346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just came back from the Diamond and Silk movie, "Dummiecrats". Not in line for any award from anywhere … but they did close with a link to a social media site they want tested;

Feel free … the cat is out of the bag.