Anonymous ID: d8ed53 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.3491242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3491142 More Than Me founder Katie Meyler steps down after article detailing sexual assault at her Liberian girls' school



and digworthy


"In meticulous reporting, the article shows how Johnson's assaults went on your years and asserts that Meyler kept him in place "even after having reason to suspect his predilections." The article also assets that Meyler and the charity tried to hide details of what happened and not take responsibility for the years of abuse."

Anonymous ID: d8ed53 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3491436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1462

Ecuador wants Assange to stop talking politics, pay own bills & look after cat – leaked rules


WikiLeaks supporters were thrilled to hear that Ecuador would restore Julian Assange’s internet connection. But his hosts – who have in some ways become his jailers – reportedly imposed a long list of restrictions on his behavior.

While stating that he is allowed to exercise his “right of communication and freedom of expression,” a nine-page document already leaked online forbids the journalist from engaging in political activity or doing anything to interfere in the affairs of other states.

The document expressly states that Ecuador cannot be held liable for the content of Assange’s communications, but nevertheless prohibits him from engaging in activities that might damage the relationship between Ecuador and other states. Assange’s communications were cut seven months ago, after he criticized Spanish authorities’ treatment of voters during the Catalan independence referendum.

Assange must pay for his own WiFi. He must use only his own devices, absent written government permission, and provide the embassy with serial number, model number, and brand name for those devices. He must also pay for his own medical evaluations, with the option of transferring to a hospital in case of an emergency – an option repeatedly denied him by UK authorities, who refused to guarantee safe passage without arrest in the event of such a transfer. Assange’s health has been the subject of much concern during his six-year confinement in the Embassy.


Visitors are also slapped with new restrictions. They must submit visit requests in writing to the embassy chief, giving their name, nationality, profession and place of work, reason for visiting, email and social media accounts, and even the serial numbers for phones and other devices they wish to bring inside. The new rules even mandate the collection of IMEIs, unique identification numbers specific to a phone handset.

While repeat visitors receive a less restrictive screening process, they can have their access revoked at any time without an explanation. All visitor data will be turned over to the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other unspecified parties.

The restrictions include a threat to use UK police to arrest visitors or seize communications equipment should the journalist violate the lengthy list of rules. Adding insult to injury, the embassy threatened to remove Assange's cat to a shelter should they decide he is not cleaning up after the animal properly.

Citing budget cuts, the document adds that the Embassy will cease to pay for Assange’s food, medical care, laundry and related expenses on December 1. From that point, only water, heat, electricity, communications, and rent will be paid for.

Violation of the rules, according to the document, will result in revocation of asylum. It is unclear what such a revocation would mean for Assange’s Ecuadorian citizenship, which he was granted in 2017. Moreno has made no secret of his desire to be rid of the man he has called an "inherited problem," while the Trump administration has declared its intention to prosecute Assange.

Anonymous ID: d8ed53 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.3491478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No-deal Brexit is ‘more likely than ever,’ Donald Tusk tells EU leaders


European Council President Donald Tusk has said that a ‘no deal’ Brexit is “more likely than ever before” and that it must be prepared for. Tusk made the comment in a letter to EU leaders ahead of meetings scheduled for 17 and 18 October. “We must prepare the EU for a no-deal scenario, which is more likely than ever before,” Tusk wrote in the letter which acknowledged that the Brexit negotiations had “proven to be more complicated than some may have expected”.

Anonymous ID: d8ed53 Oct. 15, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3491562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636

Cardiac stem cell treatment pioneer fabricated 31 studies, Harvard & Brigham conclude


Two prestigious US hospitals have concluded a prominent cardiologist whose research served as the foundation for cardiac stem cell therapy fabricated or falsified data in at least 31 published studies that should now be retracted.

Piero Anversa’s research first made waves in 2001, when he published a paper in Nature suggesting that stem cells could regenerate damaged heart muscle. The revolutionary discovery sparked a massive clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and led to the formation of numerous startup companies seeking to develop new treatments for heart attacks and stroke based on his research.

Anversa conducted his research at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. In April 2017, after reviewing his work for four years, Brigham and Women’s paid $10 million to the federal government to settle allegations the doctor had secured research funding using fraudulent data.


In 2014, Anversa was forced to retract a paper when its supposed co-authors wrote to the journal to complain they had not generated the data attributed to them. He left Brigham and Women’s in 2015. Even then, the medical establishment did not lose its faith in him. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute began a clinical trial of injected stem cells that year, and the trial is still enrolling patients.

The cardiologist and his research colleague Dr. Annarosa Leri were nothing if not bold, suing Brigham and Women’s and Harvard for notifying journals of the retraction, claiming the news damaged their careers even as they acknowledged having fabricated data in the retracted paper and altering figures in a 2011 paper. The suit was dismissed in 2015 and Anversa was invited to speak at an Italian medical conference the following year.

Harvard did not comment on why they took so long to retract Anversa’s work, which had become the basis for the entire field of cardiac stem cell research.


Wonder where they got the stem cells