Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.3491834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1966 >>2164 >>2360 >>2446

No, Facebook is NOT “Private,” Their Censorship Arm is Government Funded


Facebook is not private. They are partnered with a NATO backed think tank to censor their platform that is funded by the US government.


“Facebook is a private company and can delete any pages they want,” has been repeated ad nauseam since Alex Jones was wiped from its platform. While it is certainly true that a private company can and should be able to choose who they associate with, the idea that Facebook is private is not accurate. For this reason, the recent purge of hundreds of alternative media sites, including the Free Thought Project, was not only questionable, but unconstitutional.


In May, after Americans were successfully whipped into a tizzy of Russian hacking and meddling, along with the fake news hysteria, the Americans begging for censorship craze came to a head when Facebook partnered with the Atlantic Council.


Facebook announced that it partnered with the arm of the council, known as the Digital Forensic Research Lab that was brought on to help the social media behemoth with “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world.”


Apparently, Free Thought Project was one of those threats.


Facebook partnered with the Atlantic Council, so what, right? They can do whatever they want and hire outside third parties to help them police the platform they own, right? Yes, this is correct. However, the Atlantic Council is funded by government.


The Atlantic Council is the group that NATO uses to whitewash wars and foster hatred toward Russia, which in turn allows them to continue to justify themselves. It’s funded by arms manufacturers like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing. It is also funded by billionaire oligarchs like the Ukraine’s Victor Pinchuk and Saudi billionaire Bahaa Hariri.


The list goes on. The highly unethical HSBC group — who has been caught numerous times laundering money for cartels and terrorists — is listed as one of their top donors. They are also funded by the pharmaceutical industry, Google, the United States, the US Army, and the Airforce.


The “think tank” Facebook partnered with to make decisions on who they censor is directly funded by multiple state actors — including the United States — which voids any and all claims that Facebook is a wholly “private actor.”

Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.3491979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberating America From Israel


By Paul Findley


Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the 9/11 catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S. aid until Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.


The U.S. lobby for Israel is powerful and intimidating, but any determined president could prevail and win overwhelming public support for the suspension of aid by laying these facts before the American people:


Israel’s present government, like its predecessors, is determined to annex the West Bank — biblical Judea and Samaria — so Israel will become Greater Israel. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful role in Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come until Greater Israel is a reality. Although a minority in Israel, they are committed, aggressive, and influential. Because of deep religious conviction, they are determined to prevent Palestinians from gaining statehood on any part of the West Bank.


In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext of eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged in advancing the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle. With due process nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long periods and most are tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards, and business places are destroyed. Injured or ill Palestinians needing emergency medical care are routinely held at checkpoints for an hour or more. Many children are undernourished. Four million Palestinians are held in the West Bank and Gaza, which are like giant internment centers, bordered with a high concrete wall that Israel calls a “separation fence.” None of this could have occurred without U.S. support. Perhaps Israeli officials believe life will become so unbearable that most Palestinians will eventually leave their ancestral homes.


Once beloved worldwide, the U.S. government finds itself reviled in most countries because it provides unconditional support of Israeli violations of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the precepts of all major religious faiths.


How did the American people get into this fix?


Nine-eleven had its principal origin years ago when Israel’s U.S. lobby began its unbroken success in stifling debate about the proper U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and effectively concealed from public awareness the fact that the U.S. government gives massive uncritical support to Israel.


Thanks to the suffocating influence of Israel’s U.S. lobby, open discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been non-existent in our government all these years. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was a member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in June 1967 when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan Heights, a part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza. I continued as a member for 16 years, and since then have maintained a close watch on Congress.


For many years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or in either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle East policy. No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel have been offered for more than 30 years, and none of the few offered in previous years received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill, criticism of Israel, even in private conversation, is all but forbidden, treated as downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic. The continued absence of free speech was assured when those few who spoke out — Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul “Pete” McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl Hilliard, and myself — were defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces.

Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3492027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2221

‘SNEAK ATTACK’: Hurricane Michael was a 9/11-style false flag attack on the Deep South


Superstorm Michael was basically a geoengineered hybrid Cat. 4 Hurricane

and F2 Tornado that was slammed into

the Florida Panhandle as a ‘ginormous

weather weapon’


If ever there was a cautionary tale regarding the raw power and pervasive destruction of geoengineered superstorms it’s Hurricane Michael.


Truly, the unparalleled devastation of this transparently manufactured event represents the “9/11 of the Deep South”.

New normal


What makes Michael so very significant and essential to understand is that the whole meteorological game has changed—BIG TIME ! ! !


How so?


Because going forward, every community in Hurricane Alley can no longer rely on the local weatherman or the national meteorologists to get the storm forecast right.


Why is that?


Because what we just saw in the Gulf on October 10th was a superstorm that was covertly created, craftily intensified and then steered right into an extremely vulnerable stretch of Panhandle coastline.


From now on, this could be any coastline in America. A small storm can be amped up into a literal blockbuster, or city-buster in a matter of hours. This is the new normal. None of US can ever again rely on the weather forecasts to make decisions about evacuating the targeted area because the forecasters don’t consider the obvious geoengineering influences of these frankenstorms. See: PROOF: Hurricane Michael was a geoengineered superstorm attack on Florida red counties (Video)


The profound ramifications of this “new normal” cannot be overstated. We essentially live in an altered reality during all future hurricane seasons. And everyone living on the Panhandle can attest to this unacceptable state of affairs. One Alt Media commentator has even demanded answers from the Trump Administration. HURRICANE MICHAEL: WE WANT ANSWERS—NOW ! ! ! (Video)


KEY POINT: This new superstorm predicament is now applicable to every coastline in the South, not just Hurricane Alley. Wherever hurricanes appear, the geoengineers can hijack the nascent storms and then turn them into massive weather weapons. Hurricanes Michael, Florence, Irma, Maria Harvey, Katrina and Ivan all fit that weather warfare profile via geoengineering.


That the geoengineers, who are employed by the New World Order globalist cabal, would even attempt such a brazen full-scale attack reveals the absolute impunity with which they deploy their Weather Weapons of Mass Destruction. In other words, they only did it because they knew they would get away with it. The mainstream media (MSM) would not even question the absurd narrative that was disseminated by usual organs of government-issued weather propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.3492053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2073 >>2164 >>2199 >>2360 >>2446

Dem voters on the way?


“March of the Migrant” Caravan of Hondurans Marching to US Border DOUBLES IN SIZE… To 3,000 People!


Here we go again!


Over the weekend, approximately 1,300 Hondurans were marching to Guatemala en route to Mexico so they could make their way up to the US border right in time for the November election.


On Monday, the migrant caravan, dubbed “March of the Migrant,” DOUBLED IN SIZE as it crossed through the Guatemalan border on its way to Mexico where they will head northbound to the United States.


According to Reuters, up to 3,000 migrants crossed from the Honduras into Guatemala after a standoff with police in riot gear Monday.


Via Reuters:


The crowd more than doubled in size from Saturday, when some 1,300 people set off from northern Honduras in what has been dubbed “March of the Migrant,” an organizer said. The migrants plan to seek refugee status in Mexico or pass through to the United States.


Reuters could not independently verify the number of participants, but images showed a group carrying backpacks and clogging roads near the border, some waving the Honduran flag.


Rows of Guatemalan police in black uniforms, some wearing helmets and shields, initially blocked migrants from reaching a customs booth, Reuters images showed. It was not clear how long the standoff lasted, but the group was ultimately able to cross, said march organizer Bartolo Fuentes, a former Honduran lawmaker.


A police official on site said all Central Americans could pass freely through the region as long as they complied with migration control.


“We’re going to drop in on Donald Trump. He has to take us in,” said Andrea Fernandez, 24, who left Honduras with a newborn baby, a 5-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son because she said she could not find work and feared for their safety.


Mexico’s migration institute said in a statement on Monday that march participants would need to follow immigration rules to enter the country, without specifying the criteria.

Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.3492091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mish: Warning! Civilization At Risk, Crisis By 2040, And Other Nonsensical Climate BS


The amount of climate scaremongering in the past few weeks is stunning. And it's all pure bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 2126a5 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.3492098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2113 >>2230 >>2271

Google Pulls Out Saudi Business Conference Amid Missing Journalist Scandal


Google decided not to take part in the Future Investment Initiative (FII) Summit in the Saudi capital of Riyadh amid the scandal around missing Saudi opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi, company’s spokesperson said.


The forum will be held on October 23-25 and hosted by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.


"We can confirm [CEO of Google cloud computing division] Diane Greene will not be attending the FII Summit," the spokesperson said, as quoted by The Hill media outlet.


The spokesperson refused to mention the reasons for the company’s decision.


The World Bank, The New York Times, Bloomberg, CNBC and Uber have also announced their decision to pull out the conference amid the ongoing scandal around Khashoggi’s disappearance.


Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post, went missing in Turkey on October 2. According to the journalist's fiancee, he was invited to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul but never left the consulate building. Media reported that Turkish investigators believe the journalist was murdered inside the consulate, but Saudi Arabia claims that Khashoggi went missing after he left the building.