Anonymous ID: 75d696 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.3491887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1914 >>1971 >>1972

>>3489001 Jewish Jew from Jewland shill overdoes it so much even newfags can see it


>>3488677 Um, guys? What's with the all-seeing eye logo on FBI's Inspection Division?


>>3488391 The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil (((Khazarian Mafia))) (2015 article)


Same baker that brought us other great JEWY JEWMAN articles and the ever popular CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS WAS A MARANO JEW on Columbus day…


I am not a jew! I just pick on the vatican and the catholics et al I guess the faithful cannot stand it… muh child sex trafficking concerns and all!!! simply doesnt fucking matter with muh religion it seems…


Avoids all things anti catholic, has frenz who help him/her etc etc and I am simply being an overly observant patriotic anon here fuck faces so screw you and your concerns that some how rank higher than muh concerns!


Tired of it!

Fought this type for weeks until kablam instant perm research thread!


Fought this type on reddit which was simply brimming over with MUH FAITHFUL…


had BO yelling at me for ALL SHIT POSTS when in fact I got 2 of the slow ass 10 breads that bake WTF?


This patriot is tired…

Fighting my enemies great…

having to fight everyone else… tiring… real FUCKING tiring…


and feeling like i should just deal with it and say nothing for board integrity et al…. fuck it… i am gonna leave for a while… maybe you guys clean your shit up… maybe not…


QZILLA is going to follow Q's example and leave you all to your fucking wanderings for a while…