Anonymous ID: b7c8a3 Oct. 15, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.3492224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The armadillo have a very particular culture. Their beliefs are based off of their homelands, the majestic mountains. Many gods, including Darh and Fruin, are kind spirits, coming from the predictable and stable nature of these mountains. The most important god of all is Olpozenium, god of the mountains. There are some angry gods, but they are more nuisances, rather than threats. These include Hreth, god of infection, Qious, goddess of floods, and Meesotosith, goddess of harvest. Gods play a big role in tradition, as we in the ‘dillo community love to celebrate Zeniudus, or the coming of age for the youngsters. This occurs right on the 10th birthday, and has many privileges. At that age, all children are permitted to dig as they please, and to find love. We are a humble community, and appreciate visitors. We are pacifists, and prefer to celebrate our love than to fight with our hate. All armadillos are instructed in these ways since birth, imprinting on them while young and impressionable. I, however, was adopted. Section 2: My Journey My story is one that is quite strange. When I was a baby, I crawled into a small crevasse leading into the mountain. As the mountain armadillo are much larger, I decided to ride one. Or, at least try. I simply walked up to the grand master, and started playing. She took a liking to me, and I was adopted into the family. I lived a happy life, growing up with only a brother, who I became very good friends with. We had a small language, a simple way of communication. It wasn’t until I was 7 that I decided to invent a new way. Arman. I gave the idea to my superiors, and they loved it. Soon, everybody knew how to speak, translate, and write Arman. As it turns out, apparently some humans overheard us and copied the idea, but named it in some strange way. Anyway, the community continued to flourish as we always did, and everything was perfect. All ‘dillos farmed for themselves, owned their own property passed through generations. I became an able bodied farmer, and was a most successful member of my family. But, my life seemed empty, for I could not find love in that place. I needed my people, humans to be exact. When I became 14 I decided to leave, and so I discussed this idea with my parents. I packed my belongings, and headed out into the world. As for my colony, well, we still stay together. I visit as much as I can, and everything seems to be running smoothly. Section 3: Entertainment As you may know, ‘dillos are a people that enjoy theatre. I myself have directed and starred in quite a few plays, and they were very popular. Plays and performances are an average pastime, but some prefer to do other things. Some draw, dipping their claws into our melted then cooled gold. The color combined with the walls of the cave provide a nice glow, and many paintings are very beautiful. Another thing we like to do are sports. We have sports different than yours, like Rollhaul. This game is played with 2 teams of 6, and every player on one team must run around in an enclosed dark space. Almost no sound can be made, and talking is illegal. Whenever two armadillos meet, they must stop moving. Once everybody has found another, the lights are turned back on. If you have found somebody on your team, then you stay in. Anybody stopped next to an opponent is out. Once 4 players are left, the rules change. The last two one each team compete in a small game of capture the flag, but with the players as flags. The lights are off, and the players must try and abduct a player on the other team. No talking or noise are allowed at this point either. First team to get an opponent on their half of the playing field is the winner. We also have trivia night. In some special occasions we use human trivia instead of armadillo trivia. Alright, that about does it for this lesson. Any questions?