Anonymous ID: 209d62 Oct. 16, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.3494273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281 >>4291




Good I hope they unrig Georgia. Because if Stacey Abrams wins, she will destroy the entire state. There are so many families that own small farms which puts them into higher tax brackets. Not because of actual cash on hand, but assets. Then a grandparent dies in that tax bracket, the land is divided up among 4 children, taxed at the highest percent, and after a year what little bit of land left is sold to pay for taxes. And that is what Agenda 21 is for. Destroy rural America and move everyone into cities. They know damn well what the electoral college map looked like in 2016 and it's all that stands in their way. Stacey Abrams will run Georgia into the ground. She should be disqualified for her treasonous comment last week about undocumented illegals being allowed to vote. She makes me sick.