Anonymous ID: 29dfbf Oct. 16, 2018, 1 a.m. No.3494384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4443

Web of Kashoggi Connections:


9-11/Bin Laden Family

General Manager of Al Arab News

Media Advisor to Saudi Ambassador Prince Turki Al Faisal


Sibel Edmonds, investigative reporter & editor of is in Turkey now covering the Kashoggi story play-by-play:


She's asking great questions and reporting on all the domestic disinfo coming out re: the story/events within Turkey


"4- Why so very little (to none) coverage of #Khashoggi’s highly important “Past”?- His decade-long intimate relationship with #OsamaBinLaden, #Saudi Intelligence & #CIA (Starting in 80s; all documented/on record)? Remember #WashingtonPost has always been an important #CIA channel


9:18 PM - 9 Oct 2018"



Follow @sibeledmonds


"5- I am still unable to find “worthy details” on #Khashoggi Fiancé. In a way this is peculiar- She shows up everywhere yet remains obscured. Strange.Why?


9:20 PM - 9 Oct 2018"


Also at this conference on 3/1/17, Kashoggi was positive about improved Saudi US relations given the election of President Trump,


"Jamal Khashoggi, former general manager of Al Arab News Channel and media advisor to the Saudi ambassador Prince Turki Al Faisal, said that Saudi Arabia did not hide its enthusiasm for Donald Trump’s presidency. He noted that the Saudis hoped to cooperate with Obama, but relations went very cold because Obama did not pressure Iran in the region.."


Apperently, Kashoggi was not working with WaPo at this time, as his position at WaPo isn't mentioned in the Valadai Club's description of him in March 2017.

Anonymous ID: 29dfbf Oct. 16, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.3494443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4534


More of Sibel Edmonds' reporting from Istanbul:



Follow Follow @sibeledmonds


One of my top questions:The #Saudis,with many active agents-hitmen already on the ground in #Turkey,could have taken him out while he was in #Istanbul (You know, 1 of those hit & run,or, robbery gone bad, incidents).Why risk doing it while in the Consulate & causing Int Incident?


1:41 PM - 9 Oct 2018


This is a key question. Why would MbS have him 187'd in Turkey like this creating int'l risk? Doesn't make any sense…


Wonder what Kashoggi's relationship was like with the Board's favorite, the Dopey Prince Al Waleed? Given Brennan's reaction, he must be instigating this operation on some level

Anonymous ID: 29dfbf Oct. 16, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.3494534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Follow Follow @sibeledmonds


Another (However Far-Fetched) Scenario to Consider: “Secret arrangement-deal made between “Deep State via Proxy Nation” & #SaudiGov Insiders to lure #Khashoggi into the Consulate, Torture & Murder him, then point finger at #MBS”- A Joint Op by #CIA & “Turned” insiders? Possible??


11:27 PM - 13 Oct 2018