Anonymous ID: 70121d Oct. 16, 2018, 1:32 a.m. No.3494496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4508 >>4509 >>4521 >>4585

Has anyone considered creating a website sim to this one, That works in conjunction w/ this site, but with clearance levels in place in order to comment. Clearance levels would start at A, and go to R for highest ranking Anons. Shills wouldn't make it past C or D w/o determination, and BO/Admins can both promote and demote as needed. Symbolically, Q to Z, the last 10 letters of the Alphabet are Q team, 10 members, 7 MIL, 3 CIV. Symbolic ONLY bc we are not higher than Q team. Then No Moar shills Shitting the bread. In catalog, low ranking members could start threads and comment, but clearance would be required to comment on research boards. There could be several research boards allotted for different clearance levels. For instance, make a lvl A-C, D-F, G-J research board, and on up. Highest ranking Anons can comment on any board in Catalog. Problem solved. Now somebody build it.

Anonymous ID: 70121d Oct. 16, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.3494585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4589 >>4606 >>4617 >>4618


I hope people consider what this board looks like to people curious about Q. When I told my lil bro about Q, he ended up here and now thinks Im crazy and "wants his brother back". He told me that he checked into it and Q folks were some of the most hatefull ppl he's seen on the webz. He did't get it. My proposed idea was to bring order to real research, and still give everyone a voice. It's a MERIT based idea. Sound familiar? The catalog would still be a mosh pit in the asshole of the internet, with exception to the research boards, which would be merit based by clearance lvl. Seems brilliant to me. Free speech and Merit.

Anonymous ID: 70121d Oct. 16, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.3494712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>4722 >>4785 >>4803


Yup, spec of fly shit here… Yeah i get it. A training camp to undo years of PC damage to free speech and thought. I don't presume to know your age, but Ive been up since 1994. Talk down to me if you want, I don't care. I stand by my idea based on order and civility. Where is the line? I follow every Q post, watch every Trump Rally, and am as red white and blue blooded as it gets, But you are missing a valid point, and in your anger, have dismissed order and civility. @jack says Twitter is a public square, but we all know that it's really a prison cafeteria. It has an oppressive structure that silences dissenting voices. THAT is not at all what I proposed. Free speech would be present across the boards, but Research boards would be merit based, to filter out shills and get rid of all of these generalized Jew hating posts, that make curious lurkers walk away from this movement. If you like things the way they are, then fine. It was only a suggestion that Im sure a ton of Anons would appreciate. Actually, shills would hate my idea the most.