Anonymous ID: ad4f1d Oct. 16, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.3494346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4531

a summary of yesterdays' shill attacks in the main breads


As we all know the breads get sometimes shill infested to the max, yesterday being the npc retards and muhjoo bots.

What is funny that now that when they are gone, the word "jew" appears 2 times. yet when they were here, "jew" appeard around 150-200 and yesterday - 450 times per bread.


To summarize my observations:


This is how a muhjoo shill infestation looks like. When they are pushing other shit, or busy regrouping and preparing new spam material, the word jew appears less than 10 times per bread. However when they are here the word jew appears 100+ times. Also note they push new talking points each time, usually by circular rotation. EVERY ATTACK IS WELL COORDINATED AND CARRIED OUT BY AN ENTIRE SUBNET OF IP ADDRESSES. ALSO THE TIMING IS CAREFULLY PICKED. MOSTLY WHEN SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP, WHEN Q IS ABSENT, AND ON THE NIGHTSHIFTS.

On slow breads they leave 1 or 2 bots who post extremely provocative hitler copypasta for a specific reason. Their aim is to bait you. Do not engage these bots unless you want an endless battle.


Their structure: one compd "JQ" baker, one "megashill" that is the main pusher of the narative, and many "satellite" sockpuppet IPs that follow him and assist. The megashill is the main spammer who posts multiple premade shareblue fake info snips. These have been exposed multiple times as either lies (Beria being a jew, and the fake historians) or as cleverly tailored out of context copypasta. The "satellite" sockpuppet IPs serve as "enforcers" who react emotionaly like retarded imbeciles, or as low iq shitposters. The purpose: bait aimed at catching smarter anons in infinite skirmishes.

'''The compd baker always bakes whenever the infestation is present, makes you wonder if it is all "just a coincidence" right?

He promotes bullshit spam to notables, posts jew in the oven memes and called his bread JQ edition. Makes it all look even more organic… Did you ever think why the msm calls the anons "bakers"? Well maybe there is a push to make us all look like neo nazis. All we have to do is look at the coordinations of the shill attacks.

Anonymous ID: ad4f1d Oct. 16, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.3494531   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Exactly what i explained here.




The problem is BO seems to be blind and sympathetic when it come to this fake coordiinated bullshit. Not calling for censorship but being blind to the shilling is as bad as censoring, at least open your eyes and call them out for what they are.