Anonymous ID: cf4cdd Oct. 15, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.3494042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4101 >>4170 >>4307 >>4321 >>4328 >>4428 >>4637 >>4765 >>4811

OK guys I know this will sound like dissent but hear me out.


I think the reason for Q's absence (now a week) is that the team needed to regroup.


We're now halfway through October. Is this where you'd thought we'd be?


I won't talk about how there have been no arrests, no indictments, no one guilty. Those are tired old topics.


I just think that the Deep State is fighting back harder than what was anticipated.


The most recent example of this was Kavanaugh's confirmation vote. Q said 53-47. Q thought at least Murkowski and Heitkamp would vote yes. Q didn't even account for Daines's absence.


Why? Was the timeline pushed back that far? Q played it off like it was cool but this would have been accounted for if all the obstruction was properly accounted for.


This isn't normally how Q operates. Q will typically only tell us things that have no chance of being jeopordized. He said this in his earliest drops.


So back to my original point, I think the reason why RED OCTOBER has been spotless is because Q team is simply regrouping.


He doesn't want to be wrong again.


He doesn't want to make a mistake and put a play at risk.


There was simply a need for a change of plans, we know how hard the Cabal is fighting, there are literally Hexes being put on people like Kavanaugh.


That's why Q's drops haven't been super juicy for quite some time. Either linking articles already posted, posting "GO VOTE" memes, etc. It keeps us going but doesn't ruin any plays.


The plays hit roadblocks, but they will not survive.


The only fear I have is that it looks political and rushed before midterms. The ENTIRE play of Sessions vs. POTUS was set up to make the HAMMER of JUSTICE look non-partisan. But if the HAMMER comes down later than this week it will look like partisan collusion on our part.


We know how big midterms are. We know the cost of losing- impeachment, an end to investigations, etc. I want to see RED- not because I am impatient, but because the time is literally about to run out.


Onward we march.