Anonymous ID: efb075 Oct. 16, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.3494470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4665



MOAR …Australian Govt now backflipping running SCARED!


‘A bloody dirty game’: Pauline Hanson savages Government after humiliating back-down


In a humiliating about-face, government Senators have changed their vote on Pauline Hanson’s “it’s okay to be white” motion.


The Coalition requested a second vote after “accidentally” supporting a statement which has been used as a white supremacy slogan.


Attorney General Christian Porter says staff members failed to properly read the One Nation motion.


“What an embarrassing, sloppy mess of their own making,” says Ben Fordham.

“They usually follow the party line because if they don’t, they’ll be in fear of not getting preselected again in the next election,” she tells Ben Fordham.


“So you haven’t got free thinking people in this parliament whatsoever.


“I’ve got no time for the majority of them and they’re so bloody gutless that they don’t stand up for their principles and representing the electorate.”


Senator Hanson says the major political parties have control of the parliament.


“But it’s slowly changing and people are starting to wake up to them… these brain-dead in there, they’re absolutely useless.”


Ms Hanson says the backdown came after the government was “spooked” by the Labor Party making connections between the motion and a Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi agenda.


“What a load of bloody hogwash!”


“This has got nothing to do with racism. This is about what is happening in our country.


“I’m white, and I’m proud of fit.


“But also everyone should be proud of who they are, whether you’re white or back or brindle.”