Anonymous ID: fd2ad5 Oct. 16, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.3494094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4107 >>4108 >>4160

Hear me out anons:


Q can unambiguously finish the R narrative at any time.


JFK Jr theory has meme potential for normies, maybe there's a reason this is sticking around.


Bread can only handle so much normie interference, so send them down path 1,2,3 (anons denounce baseless theories and they head to youtube/facebook etc to spend time with like minds, for now, because curious. Reunite later, when needed to come together)


Yes it's manipulative, but its neccessary, this shit is bigger than your feelings comrade. They must remain part of movement without interfering with main research HQ too much.


So hence jfk jr, aliens, symbolism, numerology, 'catch-all' conspiracy label etc.


There are connections there of course, but the most important thing is though: they stay a part of the movement. Don't shit up bread, keep up to date with what we discover and reunite with main causes when needed. If you haven't noticed anons, the plan is working, so follow your interests and understand the reason we're here.


We the people, reunited at long last.
