Anonymous ID: 605687 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:15 a.m. No.3495183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5200

Elizabeth Warren Disappointed After DNA Test Shows Zero Trace Of Presidential Material

Anonymous ID: 605687 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.3495203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5276 >>5464 >>5516

Northbound migrant group doubles in size, enters Guatemala


“We’re going to drop in on Donald Trump. He has to take us in,” said Andrea Fernandez, 24, who left Honduras with a newborn baby, a 5-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son because she said she could not find work and feared for their safety.

Anonymous ID: 605687 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.3495430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5464 >>5516

Democrats Push Back After NY Times Says the Party Is Drifting on Israel


Chuck Schumer, the New York senator and minority leader, told Jewish Insider: 'Senate Democrats are very strongly pro-Israel and will remain that way'



The Times named a number of candidates challenging for seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, among them: Ilhan Omar in Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan and Leslie Cockburn in Virginia. All four have been tough on Israel in the past, and commentary by Omar has been outright hostile. Tlaib favors ending assistance to Israel. (Others mentioned in the article have been targeted by Republicans using guilt-by-association tactics, but have conventional Israel views.)


In the piece, Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, laments the “fact that this is allowed to metastasize in the Democratic Party without any real pushback.”

Anonymous ID: 605687 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:16 a.m. No.3495450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5473 >>5497

The Krassenstein Brothers


Edward Lawrence Krassenstein✡ and Brian Mark Krassenstein✡ (a.k.a. Talkgoldcom, edbri871, Akmed Malakar☪, JamesOkeef and the Super Ponzistein Bros.) are a pair of 36-year-old manlet twin brothers who are most well known for their amazing ability to vomit up a seemingly endless stream of obnoxiously stupid anti-Trump tweets – a skill that has helped propel them to prominence as key members of the long-running joke that refers to itself as "The Resistance".


Prior to becoming the biggest fucking stooges on Twitter, the Krassenstein brothers were most well known on the internets for being well-documented con artists and thieves who specialized in running Ponzi schemes, distributing pirated content, stealing domain names and booting up a spambot that was only capable of spamming a single string of text. The Krassensteins are also serial E-ntrepreneurs who have run at least 100 internet scam websites that have included MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold – two seemingly competing forums that both catered to Jewgold enthusiasts and offered their criminal user base a convenient platform to advertise their highly illegal Ponzi schemes to ignorant wannabe investors.


In late 2016, the Krassensteins finally seemed to have gotten what they had coming after both ICE and the Department of Homeland Security raided their home in Fort Meyers, Florida and seized many boxes worth of evidence against the dastardly duo. Despite Archive today-ico.png the case Archive today-ico.png against Archive today-ico.png the brothers Archive today-ico.png being a Archive today-ico.png fucking Archive today-ico.png slam dunk, Barack Obama's incompetent federal government ultimately failed to file criminal charges and then pretended that—despite the fact that they had a strong enough case to send in the motherfucking Department of Homeland Security to raid their house—the Krassenstein brothers had done absolutely nothing wrong and were actually totally innocent of every crime that they had ever committed.


Since getting away with the biggest abortion of justice since O.J. Simpson got away with making sashimi out of his coal-burning wife and some Jew, the Krassensteins have moved on from running silly Ponzi scheme forums and rebrand themselves as "journalists" for their personal Fake News sites called Independent Reporter and Hill Reporter. As you'd expect, both of these sites target libtard Democrats who are dumb enough to throw their hard earned welfare money at literally anyone who claims that they'll be able to take down Führer Drumpf.


The brothers have also written a shitty crowdfunded propaganda piece that they poorly disguised as a "children's book" entitled How the People Trumped Ronald Plump. They have also joined Encyclopædia Dramatica and attempted to vandalize this article because they were very upset to discover that there are actually people in the world who won't mindlessly suck their disgusting circumcised cocks like an obedient little bitch and can't be silenced by simply clicking on Twitter's block button.