Anonymous ID: 61d9b4 Oct. 16, 2018, 4:37 a.m. No.3495047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5095


a semi good comparision would be dogs.

All dogs were descended from wolves.

Yet today we have many breeds/variety's and colors of dogs.

People would have a couple of dogs, then they are isolated( and certain DNA features remain strong and are passed down)

Then that dog breeds with another dog who was also semi isolated to where certain traits became prominent.( short ears, fur markings, body shape, etc)

Then those 2 breed and get a combo of traits, also enviroment plays a factor.

Those living in colder climates would have more fur, things like that)


All dogs whether they are a poodle or a greyhound, all come from wolves and share a small portion of the same DNA.


Same with people.

At one point thousands of years ago there were only a few thousand people, so naturally everyone would be descended from the same people.


Also historical events like Genghis Khan spread his DNA across europe had an impact.


Also have to factor in the unknown( because these people have been lying and keeping the truth about many things secret)

They have lied or fucked with archaeological finds. They may have changed the bible or removed key parts.Who knows the amount of Fuckery they have been doing for the past several hundred years.


We are all Humans, so ofcourse in some way all of our DNA is connected.


We need good honest people in the scientifc fields who will do honest work.

I look forward to the truth coming out, and good people will have to re check / double check past results( especially by corrupt and evil people)

There will be a great awakening for years.

Curious what the vatican is hiding in it;s vaults.

Also somewhere these evil people must have recorded everything they have done( to brag about and show new innitiates or their children)

Be very interesting to read the Cabals secret history books/films, etc.

They seem like the type of people who would record everything and boast because they are proud of what they have been doing.

Anonymous ID: 61d9b4 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.3495164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are they allowed to do that, maybe someone should challenge their ruling/

Are said public places solidly guarded by police? 100% safe for unarmed helpless innocent people.

How would they ensure bad people with illegal or hidden weapons are not allowed into those areas?

will there be a fence and metal detectors to ensure all people are unarmed, that they are safe within that public place while they are unarmed and helpless against a crazy psycho?