Anonymous ID: 8e88e9 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:19 a.m. No.3495214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sovereignty a DAMN important word…


>Sovereignty has to do with RIGHTS OF THE SOUL…


Right you are, both of you.


Sovereignty is about owning what's rightfully yours, which is your own consciousness. Nothing else matters if you lose that.


The vast majority of humanity is nowhere aware enough to count as sovereign beings for the moment, and that includes those of us who see ourselves as "awake" just because we are aware of some level of fuckery. It includes you, and it includes me.


The TRUTH about our lack of sovereignty, is that most of the impulses that arise in our own minds aren't of our own creation, but were inducted by external forces. Partly by the "collective subconscious" of humanity, through which we all affect each other, and partly by more or less malevolent astral entities.


The latter latch on to us and "stimulate" us by entering impulses in our minds. Then we act on those impulses because we aren't aware enough to see the differences between thoughts we create ourselves and induced thoughts - we have lost our SOVEREIGNTY.


The induced impulses are always going to prod us in the direction of EMOTING STRONGLY, because this makes us give off energy the astral entities can feed on.


When an impulse arises in you that makes you think angry thoughts, it's not yours. When you get a sudden urge to go and watch some porn and have a fap, it wasn't your urge. All these impulses that seek to make you enter strong emotional states are induced from the outside.


You think you are these things, but it is not who you truly are. To be sovereign is to know who you are, and not accept anyone else to rule your kingdom.


Sovereignty is the hardest thing to achieve, and the only thing that truly matters. It costs nothing, but you must sacrifice all to achieve it. It brings nothing to the table, but it gives you all things.

Anonymous ID: 8e88e9 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.3495285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>POTUS knocking out Dim 2020 hopefuls 1x1

>Not even at 2018 MidTerms yet.


What can I say, the man has already delivered on most of his election promises, and the cleansing of the swamp is well under way and doesn't require much hand holding any more. Gotta use all that free time for something.

Anonymous ID: 8e88e9 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.3495325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5330 >>5348


I for one like the fact Q isn't constantly pulling our strings and appealing to emotion to get us where he wants us. He just shares stuff when it is the right time to do so, no bullshit added. It's almost like he respects us or something.