Anonymous ID: 98d9ea Oct. 16, 2018, 6:17 a.m. No.3495457   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5461


I think your on it anon.

Clockfags, is there a way that the "think mirror" applies to the clock in a "radial" way?

In Q post 1831 we find a [Start @ 12:00] marker and in 854 we find [end] preceeded by "The choice, to KNOW, will be yours"

1 [start] & 1 [end] in all Q's post…

Perhaps the unfolding events, when it really starts to shit on the walls, will tell everyone how the map is ordinated.

And perhaps NOW we have it all. Q's post may be just complete.

At least that's my humble guess, we have now all the puzzle's pieces, and soon get begin the assembly. Q will just have to give more details along the way.

btw french anon here, sorry for poor language.