Anonymous ID: e328d1 Oct. 16, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.3495045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I simply want to say thank you for the work that is done here. It raises the consciousness of people. All over the world. I'm halfway from America and I can talk to people whose trust I have earned about the important issues, selling humans and moving them worldwide, child sexual abuse and sacrifice, powerful nations (including America in the hopeful past and not present) of extorting smaller nations to profit big business, corruption in govt, police, church, schools, etc. I can talk about rogue govt agencies being in charge of drug running and transporting people.


I am telling you, the effect will be global when we win. This board is targeted to such a tiny minority. We've had our separate paths to waking up. We are now leaders.


Talk to those that will listen. Ask the question that sticks not only in their mind, but their hearts. We have been trained to not speak. Break that training.


I was fortunate to have grown up in a house that did not have TV. I'm more difficult to program. Thanks, Mom and Dad.


Anons, don't give up hope. When comms go down, it means one thing. The military is moving.


I never thought that I would live to see these days. I do all that I can to spread the word to the 30 or so people that I have direct contact with.


And they are getting it.


Thanks again!