Cancer answers rest with the endocannabinoid system…
Guess what..when you have an injury you "inflame"..this is all part of your immune response and is 100% controlled by your endocannabinoid system. When an area is "inflamed" the cells in the inflamed areas message other cells with a "leave me alone I am repairing message..".
Guess what? That "leave me alone" message is caused by a cellular over-expression of an endocannabinoid called 2-AG…
Guess what? That is your internal analog to CBD's!
Guess what? Cancer cells do the exact same thing! They signal like an inflamed area, and they use endocannabinoids to do this. Your body leaves cancers alone because of this signaling…
THIS is the very reason medical cannabis will arrest most cancers…
Not "promoting" cannabis..BUT..am promoting the heck out of further endocannabinoid research and disclosure…