saw that too. Kek.
^ This. I could add several high-level anecdotes but would endanger doxing me. All shit's beyond corrupt, yo.
why is this asshat posting /qresearch?
they're everywhere. fucking scum.
outing someone for serial kidding fucking is more deadly than a prion disease. you're overthinking it.
>The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control.
^THIS is SO true - much more than people realized. hard drive + individual interconnection disables cabal significantly.
yo dat. dam.
Michael Obama speaking. Voice is fluttering. Sounds like holding back tears - a lot on its mind?
Delete your post. you are doxxing yourself.
When Michael sat down, he was blinking rapidly - honestly looked like he wanted to cry and was doing everything in his power to hold back tears.
yes. the dutch are in a deep slumber. checked.
portraits shown on Fox: what in the actual fuck??
polka dots - wasn't there something about the origin of polka dots by the cabal (or was that bullshit?)