Anonymous ID: 543879 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:42 a.m. No.3495619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5634 >>5647 >>5965

Dems are going to lose badly in November.




The Dems are throwing the mid-terms. Not even trying. They know the internal polling is a disaster. What the hell is Pocahontas doing?! She is looking to 2020. Why are the old guard spinning up violent resistance?! Warren and most likely Dem leadership seem to be going by this plan because they know the Bernie socialist upstart wing of the party is a recipe for losing everything.


The plan


They are going to lose bigly. They will try to spin it as hacking, racists, Heather "Tinder Landwhale" Heyer, rural retards, whatever to make up for the Trump landslide. All to play "I'm a minority party REEEsist" card leading up to the big show in 2020 where they try to oust Trump.


With Who? Who fucking knows. Generic dem for prez gets 45%, slap a name on him it drops to 20% or less…All hail BeTo!


This also assumes the mental anguish they gleefully and cynically inflict on their supporters (already emotional people) doesn't lead to mass suicides and despondency of the base. It also assumes they will survive as a party that long when faced with an unchained Trump administration.


These people are stupid. And they are betting the farm that the American people are even more so.