Going to Tyndall AFB?
Here's what I think-
Warren takes test via corrupt individual
Corrupt individual not so corrupt/working with POTUS
Tells Warren "You're 1/32 NA! Congrats!"
She releases result to Boston Globe
OOPS! I miscalculated, sorry, you're less NA than almost everyone else on the planet
Mission accomplished
message to us? Or someone else?
Yep. Looks like they're setting up to say "DJT wants to close the Fed because all R's are dirty and taking $ from it and don't want anyone to find out!"
I know
So bummed. Got tickets and can't go bc of kids (can only get 2 tix and can't leave them alone)
Nice handicap plates
This feels BIG
"FBI agents were seen raiding an office on the 15th floor of Torre Municipal de San Juan, according to authorities. The operation was related to suspected corruption in the purchasing department."