Anonymous ID: d7b7f9 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:52 a.m. No.3495668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Excuse me while I continue to reply to myself but I can't let this go.


More proof? In addition to the breathless coverage by fake news, consider the timing. Right before the mid-terms. And, in response, SA has threatened to raise the price of oil to $100bbl. Obviously the plan is to damage international relations with SA and to raise gas prices in the USA right before mid-terms to give more arguments to the left on why normies should vote dem.


It's really obvious and pathetic to ANONS - but rest assured there is still a CONSIDERABLE number of normies who can be influenced.


In the end, it won't matter - RED TSUNAMI on the way!!! KEK!!!